The Institution Of PJ

The Institution Of PJ was jointly founded by Shri. Saif Shaikh,Shri. Joshi Prasad and Shri.Gaurav Bhonge sometime between August,2007. The idea was no doubtedly lingering for the past few years but the complete draft was prepared during August. I was elected the Director whereas Gaurav Bhonge was elected the Chairman and Joshi Prasad was elected the Principal honourably.

   For those illiterate people who have still not understood what PJ stands for it means “Poor Joke” or ” Phaaltu Joke” or ” Pathetic Joke” or whatever u may like 2 call it.It is for this very purpose : “2 enlighten the masses 2wards the interesting n utterly incredible world of PJ with ever increasing scope ” that v decided 2 enroll those students whom  v consider have potential 2 further develop this field . It gives me gr8 honour 2 have the privilege of lending my Xpertise for the benefit of common people.

  It all started with our honourable Principal Mr. Joshi Prasad who started firing PJs unknowingly on every topic n every sentence ever spoken under the sun(n even under the moon n even under moonless nit).The legend has it (I was a part of that legend too) that once upon a time all of our friend circle(Saurabh,Navjyot,Anup n the above mentioned personalities) spent our evenings sitting on Ganpati Pool. And it was on this pool that the birth of PJ happened !!( 2 know more about the starting PJs kindly wait for my other blogs).

 V feel proud that a no. of students have sincerely enrolled for the various courses available at our institution n have passed away with flying colours n swimming colours n running colours here.V have maintained strict discipline and syllabus which enables the students 2 start grasping PJ’s and firing them within the first few weeks itself.V will hopefully continue spreading the science of PJ to the whole world.

I will next post on some of the legendary PJs which were important in the building of this institution,keep visiting!!

4 thoughts on “The Institution Of PJ

  1. hi Saif, nice to see u sharing ur thoughts………… fun of ur past days…… i really liked the bolg dude…………keep going………..


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